디자이너닷 방학특강
Jun Dongyeong
Mindset is a premium desk at home that enhances the usability of desk space so that people engaged in various activities in front of their desks can fully focus on what they do.
There can be a number of benefits if computer-related products, including monitors that take up the most volume on a desk, are revealed when used by the user and do not interfere with the user when not in use.
First, telecommuting users can clearly separate the "time for me" from work in "my space." And for digital detox users, it can help them comfortably engage in analog hobbies such as keeping a diary, reading, and drawing in a wide environment when they are not using a computer.
My time arising from my space.
We sit in front of the desk and spend time doing various things.
However, the computer monitor on the desk always takes up a lot of space, whether in use or not, allowing us only a narrow space on the desk. And also, remote work is now applicable to everyone, and some people want to separate work from personal time. With various content and the rapid development of technology, those who feel overly exposed to the digital environment may need dedicated time and space to focus on themselves.
We need a computer for remote work, web surfing, or gaming and also might need a spacious desk
for keeping a diary, studying, drawing, reading books...
Among the items placed on the desk, it was found that the items that occupy the largest volume when not in use are keyboards, speakers, monitors, and mice as follows. In order to embed these items in the desk, various technologies that can be implemented are searched for and sketched based on this.
Mindset has a silhouette that connects the top and legs of the desk starting from the thin part and leading to the thick back to cover parts such as rollable displays and mini PC so that they do not look thick and heavy.
In addition, you can find hidden details of the power button on the side of the top plate, the speaker part that moves back and forth to prevent dust from entering the gap where the display protrudes, and the vent hole located at the bottom of the lower plate with power cables and various types of ports.
Power Button & Status Indicator
Thunderbolt 4 Port
40 Inch(100.859cm) UltraWide(21:9) Rollable OLED Monitor
40 Inch(100.859cm) UltraWide(21:9) Rollable OLED Monitor
Hinges for Fixing the Rollable Monitor
Wireless Charging Support with Inductive Charging
Customizable Keyboard & Touch-pad Interface by LED Dot Matrix Touch Display with Haptic Feedback
바른 성장의 지름길 │ 디자이너닷
제품디자인 아카데미 │ Designerdot
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